
4K HDMI wirelessly from one laptop to multiple TVs
Verbind één laptop draadloos met meerdere tv's, projectoren of beeldschermen tegelijkertijd.
4K HDMI wirelessly from one laptop to multiple TVs
Verbind één laptop draadloos met meerdere tv's, projectoren of beeldschermen tegelijkertijd.

Wireless lessons on the Digiboard | Attendiz
Connect a laptop wirelessly to a digital whiteboard. Works within one minute. Read here how satisfied the Attendiz school community is about this.
Wireless lessons on the Digiboard | Attendiz
Connect a laptop wirelessly to a digital whiteboard. Works within one minute. Read here how satisfied the Attendiz school community is about this.

Wireless presentation in lecture halls | Academics
Do you want to enable wireless presentation in classrooms? Read here how Academica does it in Amsterdam.
Wireless presentation in lecture halls | Academics
Do you want to enable wireless presentation in classrooms? Read here how Academica does it in Amsterdam.